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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Game Guides: Dance Fever

If you wanna play Dance Fever you must go to the Beach. Then you will see a Dance Club! Go inside & you will see a DJ. Click on him to play Dance Fever, a screen will pop up saying "Play?" click yes & it will lead you directly to the game. Heres where you should go:

In order to play this game you must match the arrows once they match. It's kinda like American Idol for video games. Choose your dance character to start the game. The last 3 our for premium members only. The 1st is for non-members.

Once you chose your character, you will chose the song you will dance with. The 1st song if for non-members. The rest our for premium members. 
Then, once you selected your song a green screen will pop up saying what difficulty you want. It will say, easy, medium, hard, or expert.

Once you selected everything you want, the game will pop up. The game is really hard even the easy level. Heres what the game looks like:

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