Meet The Staff!

Thesodacan= Founder/Owner/Poster/Designer
Gameworks: Admin/Designer/Poster
M3el0dy= Back-up Admin/Poster/Gadget Designer/

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Welcome to the official chat for Thesodacan's Fantage cheats! Make sure you read the rules BEFORE you chat! Heres the list of rules you should read before chatting!

1, No swearing or cussing.

2. No smiley spam (SS) example: :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D or HFDJFSJDSAGHJSY, No spam to.

3. No impersonating anyone or a 1 hour ban, along with tricking anyone to. No name calling & ads to.

4. To become mod/owner pay us xats, days, or powers.

5. No links to inappropriate stuff or pictures. If you are caught doing this you will receive a 3 hour ban.

6. Have fun!

Have fun chatting!

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